All posts by: higashitraining

Group Fitness is the Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

This is gonna be a fun one that is going to upset a good chunk of people. I know a lot of people that make group fitness classes feel like a religion. There are a lot of different types of... Read More

Stop Going to Your Doctor and Start Exercising

I see this a lot with my in-laws and other relatives that are inactive and don’t put any effort towards actively exercising. They have constant doctors visits that create a domino effect of other doctors visits. One thing leads to... Read More

3 Modalities to Help with Joint Pain

Pain is such a literal pain in the ass. To have to live with constant pain is very taxing on your cognition, mobility, and your freedom. To deal with pain many are told to either take a pill or stop... Read More

3 Exercises to NOT DO if you are Obese

I understand that everything can feel helpless when you have reached that level of obesity. I am sure that you have tried many diets in the past only to lose a little weight and then gain it all back. If... Read More

How To Eat To Lose Weight In Your 70’s

Losing weight properly is a difficult task by itself for anyone, let alone someone in their 70’s. We would all like to look better and feel healthier. There are definite benefits to losing weight if you are in the overweight... Read More

How and Why You Should Resistance Train for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis or other bone disorders is a scary situation to deal with. Knowing that the slightest fall or bump can possibly cause a fracture must be terrifying. Thinking that you are made of glass must inhibit your ability to go... Read More

Top 5 Exercises That You Should Avoid? 60+

There are so many exercises out there, and tons I probably haven’t even heard of yet. One of the most difficult scenarios when you first walk into the gym is “what can I do?” With all the different ailments that... Read More

The Complete Guide to Exercising With Dementia

I’m going to be honest and say that dementia is a very depressing situation to be in. To watch a loved ones mind slowly slip away to the point that they develop Alzheimer’s or other conditions is heart breaking. I’ve... Read More

How Often Should You Train A Week For Optimal Results (65+)

This is a rather difficult question to answer, because it depends on a plethora of factors. The recommended dosage of activity from the American Heart Association is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity. What exactly does... Read More

The 1 Tip To Be a Healthy Older Adult

We have been brainwashed into thinking that the pictures and people that we see in the media is the definition of being healthy. Those men that have chiseled abs and bulging biceps are how healthy men are supposed to look.... Read More