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What it Means to be a

Super Senior

The Super Senior is not just some fragile older adult. You are a hero! You have survived through thick and thin across the decades. You have thousands of stories of your hardships, accomplishments, and living through world wide events. People and loved ones treat you with respect not because you are older, but because you have earned it. But your fight isn’t over. You still have years of life to live and more lives to inspire.
The Super Senior will continue to inspire and set the example for future generations. To you age is just a number, aches and pains are just battle scars waiting to heal, and the fear of “falling and can’t get up” means nothing to your body built for battle. You are a the real-life Superhero to the younger generations!


Senior Reading

Level I

Group Fitness is the Reason Why You Can’t Lose Weight

This is gonna be a fun one that is going to upset a good chunk of people. I know a lot of...Read More
November 18, 2022

Stop Going to Your Doctor and Start Exercising

I see this a lot with my in-laws and other relatives that are inactive and don’t put any effort towards actively exercising....Read More
October 28, 2022
Level I

3 Modalities to Help with Joint Pain

Pain is such a literal pain in the ass. To have to live with constant pain is very taxing on your cognition,...Read More
September 30, 2022
Level I

3 Exercises to NOT DO if you are Obese

I understand that everything can feel helpless when you have reached that level of obesity. I am sure that you have tried...Read More
September 9, 2022

Why Start Now?

You're Still Young!

It is never too late to start. 5 years of healthy habits now will have dramatic effects on your future 5 year self.

Quality of Life

Keeping or improving your ability to do daily tasks has a direct effect on your happiness.


You can keep up with the grandkids, or better yet make them keep up with you!

Baby Steps

The process of becoming healthy doesn’t have to be hard. Every baby step will become giant strides towards a healthy lifestyle

Turn Back the Clock

With the proper exercises and a dash of consistency you can reverse your body’s age.

Safety First!

Stronger muscles have a dramatic effect on the prevention of falls and the ability to stand up without assistance from the ground.

Why Does This Kid Care About Seniors?

I believe that my purpose in life is help as many people as I can. The older adult population is often neglected. There are is a plethora of information for younger adults that don’t have any issues to get in shape. Seniors are often prescribed medication and given tools like walkers just to keep them mobile. However, this only helps to subside the symptoms and doesn’t treat the cause. Most chronic conditions such as hypertension can be subsided or reversed through diet and exercise. I want to help you get into the best shape by educating you with all the scientific research that I find. Together we will reverse your biological age and make you feel decades younger!

Brandon Higashi

BA Kinesiology, CSCS, PN1 Certified


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