I’ll start with I have zero affiliation with any of these products, and this is purely my professional opinion from experience. I understand the fear of going to the gym. First starting with the nervousness because you see all these people exercising and you have no idea what to do. Then add in the fact that you feel weak and overweight and you feel like you don’t belong. Now add in the crowded space of people breathing hard and sweating everywhere. Then there is the added cost of joining the gym and sometimes a contract that says you have to keep it for a year. Let’s get rid of all that anxiety and build you an affordable home gym.

Most people would think that a home gym requires a lot of space, a ton of huge equipment, and a ton of money. I’m going to break that stigma in this article. There are huge advantages to working out at home beyond its convenience. The following is the list of equipment I would recommend:

  1. TRX or suspension trainer
  2. Resistance bands
  3. Adjustable dumbbell
  4. 2 Bonus more expensive options

Benefits of exercising at home

Working out at home is a massive time saver! The process of going to the gym for a one hour workout means that you need to plan for a two hour chunk of your day. Just the process of getting ready, travel time, cool down, waiting for equipment, and socializing takes a significant portion of your day. This can be rather discouraging when you feel that you are short on time. You may want to get your workout in but you don’t have the time.

If you have all your equipment at home then it is as simple as changing clothes and throwing on some good tunes. Really short on time? Then you can knock out a quick 30 minute workout. If time is a major issue for your consistency, then working out at home can be very beneficial.


With the current state of the world it is a good idea to keep yourself safe from viruses. When it is your own equipment at least you know that it is clean and safe to use. There are gross people in the gym more often that there should be. Most people aren’t sick when they walk in, but there are a lot of people that don’t clean up after themselves.

Multiple short workouts

Many people find a full 1 hour workout to be a very daunting task. One strategy is to break up that workout throughout the day. Stepping up and doing 3 sets of an exercise multiple times throughout the day is one way to break up the monotony. This is similar to how a 30 minute walk may seem too long, but 3 ten minute walks feels much more manageable.


The initial start up cost of getting your own equipment may seem a little high at first. However, it is a one time fee and you will be set until you have to buy stuff if things break. Otherwise, a gym membership can range anywhere from $10-$120 per month. In other words, after a year you may have spent $120-$1440. This is a significant amount of money and that is only after the first year.


Working out at home can sound like a simple and easy idea, but it can be more challenging than one would think. I know many people that can just simply not work out at home. They need the act of going to a gym to do their work out. This can be a difficult habit to get into. Why? It is very easy to “accidently” skip your work out without even realizing it. There are always distractions and other things that you feel you can take care of before you start. Then before you know it, it is too late and you will do it tomorrow.

Personally, my dad always had equipment in the house and a full Olympic set. I never had a gym membership unless I was going to UNLV. My only option for years was to work out at home. So, this habit is ingrained into my body and I no longer feel that wall that makes me put it off.

There are many benefits to working out at home, but keeping the habit consistent may be far more difficult than you may think. It sounds like the perfect plan until a month has gone by and you realize that you haven’t done a single exercise.

Now that I have thoroughly talked you into exercising at home, let’s go over some of the equipment.

TRX or suspension trainer

This is a strap type system that can be installed into a stud in the ceiling, or you can just wedge it into a door. The set up for this piece of equipment is extremely easy and it can fit into a small bag when it isn’t in use. And don’t worry the straps are very strong and can withstand a good amount of weight.


The TRX really a brand of suspension trainers the price varies for this system. The starting price is a little over a hundred and can go up to about $300 for the elite system. Clearly, you can take a look at each one and see which one fits your needs. There are other cheaper options too. I bought mine on Amazon for about $70 and it does the job for me.


This system allows the user to take full control over their workout with the most minimal adjustments. Your resistance comes from your body weight and gravity. In other words, the steeper your angle the more difficult the exercise will be. In other words, the more horizontal your body is the more difficult the exercise will be.

The other challenge of this system is that it challenges your core. You could compare this to pilates in the way that you have to keep your core engaged to perform the exercises. If your core doesn’t stay rigid then you will not benefit as much from the workout.

You will also notice that you are shaking while trying to stabilize yourself on these handles floating in free space. All that shaking will improve your joint stability and make them much stronger. This is similar to a rehab exercise called rhythmic stabilization. Rapid movements that focus on trying to stay in one point will strengthen all the muscles around that joint.


The set up for the exercises can vary for the suspension trainer. TRX has an app that you can download and follow for the workouts. I do believe there is a monthly fee for more premium content. You can always follow some videos on youtube, or just follow what comes with the trainer itself. Take some exercises for each body part and do them that way.

This is a very versatile piece of equipment. You can do a full body workout with just these straps. This help work your legs and also assist you with movements that you don’t yet have the ability to do. For example, if you have a difficult time with squats then you can use your arms to help pull yourself back up using these straps.

Resistance bands

Here is another versatile piece of equipment that can fit just about anywhere. You do have the option to fit these in a doorway as well if you need to for a certain exercise. However, you can use them free standing as well. Basically, when you are ready to work out you can pull these guys out and just get going.

There are so many different kinds of resistance bands that it may be difficult to figure out what works for you. I encourage trying them all out, however, having a variety will allow you to pick the ones that are most suited for an exercise. The big giant loops are versatile and can be used for lots of different exercises. There are bands with a tube like design that can have multiple different attachments. These can also have multiple different applications. However, in my experience, these tend to break more often than the loops. There are also smaller bands that are typically used for glute exercises. The thicker version with a cloth like exterior are far more comfortable to use, but may be a little more difficult.

Bands do create their own challenge. As you stretch it out farther the resistance will increase which will force you to contract harder to get the full range of motion. This is a unique quality of bands that can be very beneficial depending on your goal.


These bands are definitely a lot cheaper than the TRX. You can find most from $10-$40 depending on the type that you want to buy. However, they do eventually break. Since these bands are made of some type of rubber they will crack and eventually snap on you. This will be a recurring cost, but it won’t be very frequent. They do typically last quite a while so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Adjustable dumbbells

Dumbbells will be the most versatile and easy to adjust. The difference here is that we are now in the free weight area. These dumbbells can range from 20lbs to 100lbs and will have multiple different adjustments starting at 5lbs. This makes progressing your exercises easy, and the switch in weights for another exercise is fast and efficient as well. For most dumbbells it is as simple as turning a dial or switching out a pin.

Since this is only one pair of adjustable dumbbells they will only take up as much room as a pair of dumbbells. You can probably fit this in a corner somewhere and almost completely forget all about it. Overall these will still take up little to no space in your home.

Keep in mind that these are free weights! This means that technique for many exercises becomes more important than the bands and TRX. The ability to do a bench, overhead press, or a bent over row will determine how fast or slow you can gain muscle. Your ability to do them correctly will be the judge of whether or not you get injured.

My suggestions is that if you have never dealt with free weights or dumbbells then this may not be the best equipment for you to start with. However, this is definitely something that you will want to look into in the future because they will be more functional than the first two. You may need proper training and someone to observe and make sure you do everything correctly.


These will be the more expensive option of the equipment I am suggesting. Which obviously makes sense considering these are made of metal and not rubber or fabric. This means that they are also the most durable piece that I am suggesting. The cost can range from just under $100 to almost a thousand bucks. There are many factors that play a role in the cost of the dumbbells.

The weight that you wish to purchase is going to be the first factor. The lighter the weight you want, typically the cheaper it will be. So if you are only looking at maybe 20lbs then you will likely be able to get it a little cheaper. The brand and ease of use will also play a big role. Some brands that are well established l like Bowflex will have more expensive options. However, they are also easier to use since you only need to turn a dial. There are some off brands that require you to physically switch out the weights, and these will be cheaper.

Bonus options

All in one bench

The all-in-one bench is essentially a storage ottoman that has all of your equipment in them plus some. They normally come with attachments to make switching between exercises much easier. There can also be dumbbells and bands so that everything has a neat place to be stored. The bench itself will also give you more options in terms of exercises.

These benches typically cost about $2000 and up. There is considerable more equipment and the box itself has to be sturdy enough to hold everything. This is a more expensive option but can be well worth it. It will take up a little more space than the other pieces, but it will still take up a very minimal amount of space in your home.

Personally, I have never owned one of these systems, but I have played with a few and they are legitimate. Fitbench and Technogym are just a couple of brands I found to have some good reviews and have all the essentials. Most times these things can be financed if that is the route you wish to go.


You may have seen this mirror that attaches to the wall. You have your own personal trainer that will help walk you through the process and get everything set up. This device uses magnetic resistance to increase the weight for the exercises. This resistance can reach up to 200+ pounds. Did I mention it is a mirror on the wall? With the exception of the handles that need to come out, this thing will take up very little space.

The programming runs based on an algorithm on your workouts. It measures the speed of your reps and determines if you have gotten stronger and are ready to increase your weight. There are built in programs and will change exercises accordingly to match your fitness level. You will get a full body work out that fits your intensity.

This is another item that will be 2k+, but can be worthwhile given all the options you can have with it. You can also finance this mirror which will come out cheaper than a gym membership in the end.

These are the most minimal piece of equipment to start

You can easily say that you need a lot of other stuff. Personally, I want a full squat rack with a lot of Olympic rubber weights. But, to get the ball rolling I would recommend these pieces of equipment. All of these will give you the most bang for your buck, be the most functional, and you should get the best results. In addition, they take up very little space and most of it can fit under a bed. There’s nothing fancy or super expensive. The simplest of things can sometimes get you the greatest results.

Stay consistent and be SUPER