One on One coaching to help you reach your goals


The Problem With Most Nutrition Programs & Fad Diets

  • Require a long term calorie deficit that slows your metabolism 

  • You don’t learn anything about nutrition like important macro and micro nutrients

  • They tell you what to eat and not how to eat

  • They create an unhealthy relationship with food

  • They create unrealistic expectations and make you feel like a failure if you don’t follow perfectly

  • Their short term results don’t help with longevity

  • Demonize particular food groups that force you to rebound as soon as you reintroduce that food into your diet

What a Superior Program Should Do

  • Increase metabolism through strength training then do short term calorie deficits to lose body fat efficiently and safely

  • Understand macro and micronutrients and how they affect your diet and your body

  • Learn a method of eating that coincides with your goals

  • Food shouldn’t give you anxiety and stress. Your relationship with food should be happy and healthy

  • Everyone is different, we all have different obstacles, and different lives. Set backs happen, forgive yourself and move forward

  • A sustainable diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life is better than the one that takes all your will power for 3 months

  • Don’t cut out a food group just to reach your goal. Learn what that food does and how to incorporate it into your diet.




This has been proven to be one of the biggest factors in determining the success of building new habits. Someone to hold you accountable and check in every so often to see your success or help you with an obstacle.

Custom Plan

We all have different starting points in our pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to nutrition. I’ll create a custom plan for you to follow that will teach you new habits.

Behavior Change

Becoming healthy isn’t always about what you eat. How you eat and being conscious about the act of eating has just as much value. Developing new behaviors takes time and my methods will develop these new habits so that they stick.

We Are Partners

I’m not telling you to drink the Koolaid. I will make recommendations but it will ultimately come down to what you are willing to do. So we will work together to find that next step to becoming a Super Senior.


I don’t plan on walking with you for forever, and I hope you don’t plan on it either. Everything you learn will be clear cut and backed by science. I’m here to educate you so that you reach a point where you can fly on your own. I’m going to say “Fly Super Senior…you did it”.


I want you to enjoy eating, not hate it. Food is most often surrounded by a happy occasion and I want you to enjoy those moments. Eating isn’t a chore and it shouldn’t cause you stress to think about it. You will learn to be conscious about your food choices, but enjoy life at the same time.

We will take each step together

You can follow any of the insane fad diets and see results. But what about after you reach your goal? I’m not here to tell you exactly what to eat, because this isn’t what is going to help you. This is where you learn how to eat and be more conscious of your decisions. When you eat more intuitively you can enjoy all the foods that give you that feeling of happiness and gratitude. Getting there takes time and we’ll reach that Super Senior body without even knowing it.

$ 180 / Month
Individualized Programming
Free Consultation
Train as much or as little as you want
30 minute and 1 hour sessions available
Work at your comfort level
Prices vary based on the length of sessions and sessions per week
$ 120 / Month
Superior nutrition coaching
Behavior change modifications
No set “diet” to follow EAT WHAT YOU WANT
Simple and easy to follow plan
Long term success so you never have to come back
Training & Nutrition
Discounted Nutrition / Month
The purchase of this combo gets you discounted nutrition
First 3 months of nutrition will be $30/Month instead of 2
After the 3 months the fee will be $100/Month instead of $120