This is gonna be a fun one that is going to upset a good chunk of people. I know a lot of people that make group fitness classes feel like a religion. There are a lot of different types of classes that exist in the gym and as a streaming service. But how different is each class?

Group fitness classes are a wonderful way to stay motivated and connect with other people that have similar goals. However, the majority of the classes follow a similar format and only focus on cardio. Each class follows a similar paradigm that is disguised as a different “type” of class. Because you are following only one type of modality your weight will eventually plateau and it will be difficult to lose weight.

Benefits of group exercise class

I am not going to completely trash group exercise classes. I will utilize them myself from time to time if I feel that it is something I need. There are plenty of benefits to group classes that make them worth keeping in your tool belt.


Having so many people that have similar goals to yourself keeps you motivated to keep coming back. You see the instructor and other people in your class pushing themselves to their limit the same as you. The fact that you aren’t the only one struggling reminds you that you aren’t the only one that has a goal of getting back into shape. This comradery along with a schedule of classes are easy reminders to keep coming back. You will probably make some friends in these classes too that will hold you accountable. If you go missing for a couple weeks, they will ask you where you have been, and they are happy to have you back.

Some instruction

The instructor won’t be able to correct your form specifically, but they will throw out cues that you can listen for to make sure you have the right form. The advice will be generic, but it can help you with correcting your form as long as you listen and have some body awareness.


Being consistent with your dietary and exercise behaviors is the number one factor with reaching your goals. These classes allow you to create consistency with your workout routine very easily. There is a huge difference between “I’m going to work out at some point today” versus “ I’m going to go to this class at 9am”. If you have a time, place, and a workout already preplanned and scheduled into your day you are way more likely to make that workout.


Now let’s get into the reasons why you are lacking results because of your classes. If this was the route that you went you probably got some pretty good results for the first month or two. But now the weight loss has kind of stalled and the only thing you can think of is add another class. Before we do that let’s talk about what group fitness classes are lacking.

Proper instruction

Nothing can beat one on one training where you have someone watching every joint, muscle, and bone in your body as you perform an exercise. This is one of our powers as a personal trainer, observation. Every time I walk by the group fitness studio I always see someone with terrible technique, and it is always on a compound exercise like a squat.

Most classes don’t use a heavy enough weight to hurt the participants, and their technique is probably due to a lack of awareness, ability, and an imbalance. If these people took the time to learn a really good squat they would probably get a lot more out of the class. The ability to lower yourself into a squat under good control is one that can’t be learned in a class. This is why I suggest that if you have never done a structured work out or compound movements that you work on these before joining a class.

Similar type of training

Majority of the higher intensity classes can be categorized as cardio. Each class may seem a little different, and some may incorporate weights, but I would still classify them as cardio. You will likely get stronger when you first start doing classes, but this will eventually plateau. No class will challenge your absolute strength.

Lack of progressive overload

Progressive overload is a very important concept that has to be incorporated to make sure that you are always progressing. This is especially true if you have a goal of losing weight or gaining strength. As I have mentioned, each class follows a familiar format that doesn’t allow you to make it any harder. Yes, adding a riser to your stepper, or adding five pounds to your bar is adding intensity to your exercise. However, it is very different in comparison to adding 100 pounds to your back squat.

Good instructors of these classes will provide modifiers so you can do a harder movement if you want something more challenging. I would caution you against attempting these right off the bat. Most of these classes use athletic type movements which requires multidirectional movement and body awareness. If you have never done it before you may hurt yourself while attempting to do it mid class. (Bonus tip: remember that movement and practice it slowly outside of class)

Stuck in classes

I see so many people that get stuck in classes to the point that it is almost an addiction. They no longer get the benefits of the workout and are mostly only there for the social interaction. Socializing is ok and has been proven to have massive benefits for your overall health. However, if your goal is to lose weight then this may be holding you back. This is particularly true for beginner type senior based classes that use very light weights and resistance bands.

(Tip: replace one of your classes with a traditional strength training session.)

How to get continuous weight loss

It is probably going to surprise you for me to say this but, keep doing your classes. Consistency is king in the fitness world and accountability is one of the best features of group fitness classes. However, if your goal is to lose body fat and you have plateaued from doing the same classes for six months to a year then it is time to make a pivot.

Swap one class for one day of real strength

Even if your goal is to increase weight on selectorized machines you are still developing strength. This is an easy pivot from your class to jump start your metabolism and start losing weight again. Your body loves to adapt and any routine that we fall into for a long period of time will become the new normal. The difference with developing strength is that you can incorporate progressive overload. So each session isn’t going to be exactly the same, and your body should be trying to become stronger to adapt to this new stimulus.

Swap one class for one personal training session

Learn how to really use your body! The reality is that in normal everyday life we move and have to coordinate ourselves in 3 dimensional space. We hurt ourselves most often when we move in a way that does compute in our brain so our muscles have no idea how to react in that position.

By working with a trainer you can learn how to move properly and efficiently. If you haven’t had a good trainer assess your squat or your movement you would be surprised by the observations we can make. We will incorporate corrective type exercises that will improve movement, posture, and fix imbalances. Our observation skills can help to recognize when you are able to start progressing.

The personal trainer isn’t there to just push you past your limit by screaming in your face. My role is to educate you and help you recognize when something feels a little off and how to correct it. The goal is to help you build real functional strength and prevent injuries outside of the gym.

Make the Pivot

If you have that desire to lose a little weight then you need to make this pivot. Especially, if you have been doing only classes for a year or more. When your body feels this new stimulus it will have to adapt and respond appropriately. This response will force your body to reevaluate what it has to do to adapt and create a new homeostasis. Adding this strength will increase your metabolism and allow you to be in a better spot to lose body fat.