Posts filed under: Level II

Stop Going to Your Doctor and Start Exercising

I see this a lot with my in-laws and other relatives that are inactive and don’t put any effort towards actively exercising. They have constant doctors visits that create a domino effect of other doctors visits. One thing leads to... Read More

How More Protein Can Have Huge Benefits for Seniors

Protein, carbs, and fats fall into a category known as macronutrients. These macros are typically the main focus when you try to piece together someone’s diet. I could probably write an entire textbook incorporating all 3! But for now, I’m... Read More

Avoid the Frustrations of Plateaus and Keep Progressing

Have you ever felt like you are doing everything right like training super hard, and eating super healthy, but you aren’t seeing any progress? How about doing everything right and you see more body fat, less strength, and you actually... Read More

Why Strength Training is the Best Modality for Seniors

There is normally a lot of tip-toeing around when it comes to a seniors fitness program. Often enough the program consists of low impact aerobic exercise such as walking, recumbent bike, and ellipticals. If there is a strength component involved... Read More